O.T. Frasch Images Acquired in 2010

Looking at the O.T. Frasch images we acquired in a particular year won't show patterns; after all, the postcards are purchased at different times from sellers all over the United States and occasionally from around the world. But it's interesting to see how our knowledge of Otto's work has grown over the years, and how many images we've been able to purchase at a time.

The number of images purchased continued at a steady, if moderate, rate in 2010.

Topics on images acquired in 2010 include:

  • Seattle churches, schools, trolley, waterfront, and downtown buildings
  • Totem Place and Luna Park in West Seattle
  • The Ballard neighborhood of Seattle
  • The 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
  • Golden Potlatch 1911-1913
  • Mt. Rainier
  • Tacoma
  • U.S. Navy warships
  • Idaho
  • Pickwick Club advertisement
  • Exaggeration
821 - Stimson Mill Ballard Wash.
140 - U.S. Prison Ship Nipsac
X7 - Spirit of the Pacific A.Y.P.E.
452 - Emanuel Presbyterian Church Tacoma
761 - Temple De Hirsh Seattle
X14 - Agriculture Bldg from Mfg. Bldg
867 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
871 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
908 - Hotel Frye Seattle
107 - Occidental Ave. from Main St.
176 - A Car Load of Washington Onions
A.Y.P.E. Plaza
X17 - Mfg. Bldg from Agriculture Bldg
925 - Seattle Watter Front #1
829 - O. & W. Passenger Station Seattle
881 - Potlatch Parade Seattle
255 - Agriculture Bldg. & Formal Garden
251 - On the Pay Streak A.Y.P.E.
230 - Interior Canadian Bldg A.Y.R.E.
X22 - End of Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E.
182 - Totem Place West Seattle
61 - A Canyon Near Mascow
R15 - On Mt. Rainier Washington
213 - At the A.Y.P.E. Scenic Railway
American Bank Bldg. Seattle
X90 - Mines & Manufacture Bldg. A.Y.R.E.
279 - A.Y. Pay Streak
638 - Queen Anne High School
360 - An Interior View Pickwick Club
R13 - Narada Falls
Yourn Fer Sucksess En Good Krops
Uncle Hiram on his car
96 - Race Track Streetcar Seattle
252 - Looking East from Main Enterance
X2 - Calafornia Bldg. A.Y.P.E. Seattle
N.P. Hospital Tacoma, Wash.

A selected image acquired in 2010:

Image X22 - End of Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E. Seattle 1909
Image X22 - End of Agriculture Bldg. A.Y.P.E. Seattle 1909